Monday, November 18, 2013

icelandic mix

After an amazing trip to Iceland for the Airwaves festival, besides announcing I’m going back next year, I feel obligated to make a mixtape of some of the wonderful music that comes from this strange and lovely country. There it’s dark, painfully cold, and horrible at any kind of alcohol making, but it also comes with quirky culture, otherworldly landscape, unexpectedly delicious food, omnipresence of geothermal pools, and most importantly a fantastic music scene, within a total population of 300k (half of Seattle city proper).

I’ve always wondered what ingredients are essential for a place to brew good music (which apparently doesn't apply to beer). Here’s the hypothesis: bad weather, isolation, and boredom. But then maybe they all come down to one thing – lack of distraction? … Now I've got the FM Belfast song stuck in my head, “we come from a place where we count the days until nothing nothing… nothing ever happens here.”

So here you are, an exclusive mix of Icelandic tunes. Enjoy :)

download mp3 ~ 52 min ~ 88MB

sin fang - young boys
fm belfast - underwear
retro stefson - glow
sykur - curling
Ásgeir Trausti - Að grafa sig í fönn
sin fang - fall down slow
tonik - snapshot two (oddlogic remix)
bloodgroup - pro choice
retro stefson - she said
múm - dancing behind my eyelids
seabear - cat piano
Ólafur arnalds & arnor dan - old skin
samaris - stofnar falla
slowblow - within tolerance
sóley - the sun is going down II

Saturday, September 28, 2013